Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Walking on Water

Recently i went to play soccer again after a break of about 4 months. It was refreshing and i thought it is pretty healthy to play some sports. After 2 rounds of exhausting matches, we went for a little chat session. As normal Singaporeans, we would chat about random stuffs which will link to some other topics randomly. This post will focus on a topic one of my friends has told in an act of randomness.

To start it off, i will talk about some amazing things as introduction.

Read this information from Wikipedia:

Walking on water is one of the miracles that the Gospels attribute to Jesus. An account of the miracle appears in the Gospels of John (John 6:16-21), of Matthew and of Mark. According to the Biblical narrative, Jesus sent the disciples in a boat, ahead of him, to Bethsaida, but when they were half way across the lake, Jesus walked over the lake and met them. The narrative states that the disciples were scared at first, thinking it was a ghost, but when Jesus revealed himself and got into the boat, they calmed down.

To think Jesus Christ can even walk on water! This feat is 100% impossible to do! How cool is it to be able to walk on water? You will not even get wet, not a bit. Imagine how many lives can be saved if you can walk on water. Like the recent Dragon boat - Whirlpool case, really sad.

But when you thought walking on water is impossible to all living creatures in the world...


The topic that one of my friends brought up is about lizards. And not normal lizards, its the Jesus Christ Lizard. I am freaking serious because it really exist. (at first i did not believe him too)

The Jesus Christ Lizard. He is so dam cool.

Why is he called the Jesus Christ Lizard then? Well, he seriously can WALK ON WATER.

Heres the proof from Wikipedia again:

The basilisk sometimes walks as a biped. Basilisks have the unique ability to "walk" on water and, because of this, have coined the title as "The Jesus Lizard" or "The Jesus Christ Lizard" with religious connotations to the biblical passage of Mattrew 14:22-34. On water, the basilisk can run at a velocity of 1.5 meters (5 feet) a second for approximately 4.5 meters (15 feet) before sinking on all fours and swimming. Flaps between their toes help support the basilisk, creating a larger surface and a pocket of air.

I am totally amazed by this lizard. He can actually walk the water with 2 of his legs! But after watching the video, i think i might have to reconsider if i would want to walk on water like it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Guide to having a Life?

Wow! This is the shoe i wanted! That shirt over there looks so cool! Oh wait, i want that pair of jeans too! The new Sony Ericsson handphone looks so sleek, time for me to switch my phone! Hmmm need to buy an electric guitar to practice as well!


No money to buy everything. This probably happens a lot.

Although there are so many things to buy, there isnt enough money for me. I initially wanted to get a job, but am scared that there will be too much stress during project weeks (actually i think i am just lazy). So in order to buy this things for a life, i need to save up!

My Guide to having a Life

Firstly, if you are living off by the allowances your parents give, you know you have to save them up. Well, everyday you go to school you spend money on foods and drinks. As for me, i really spend a lot on satisfying my stomach and my taste bud's craving. So the best solution is to eat a really heavy breakfast. Foods like cereal breakfast is really good. They are made from wheat and oats. Together with milk, its really like what the advertisements say, wholesome and full. Then, since you had such a big breakfast, you only have to eat a little bit during tea break.

Secondly, you must have great mental control. The smell of all the delicacies will probably make you buy them. So to counter this, try not to pass through canteens or restaurants. Then you will not think about food and have an illusion that you are hungry.

Lastly, also the most effective saving method, is to become a "no-life-r". This method is by far the best, most easily controlled way and moreover you get to eat anything you like. Everyday after school, just dash back home immediately. Once you are back home, get on your computer and start playing a game that will make you really addicted to.

Note: Try not to play Maplestory, most likely you will get tempted to buy its Maple pre-paid card which will make you lose more money then ever.

So by doing so, you will save a lot of money. Both on food and on entertainment. Each week, you will have enough money to go for a movie and still have enough to buy some clothes at the end of the month.

Theres this equation plotting life against money:
No Life = money * 0
Having a life = money * infinity

The secret to saving up money to get a life later is to be totally no life first.

This method has been known to work between some friends although you might not like it or try it. Well, i only tried the last method. It was ridiculously effective.

Anyway, "A" Levels is finally OVER! Congratulations! I am so happy. Not that i am an "A" Level taker, but because my friends were taking it and i did not have the chance to hang out with them during that period. Totally over-joyed, i think you, "A" Levels students should give some sweet feedback to your great teachers! Heres a link for some innovative feedback you could write.

Creative and Innovative Feedbacks from the students of NTU

Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Memories Sad Emotions

Today i went to play pool with Ivan, Kenny, Joe, Ming Fang, Ian and Jake. When it ended, i took a "74" bus back home. The bus "74" stops between both my Secondary School and my Primary School which were Bowen Secondary and Xinmin Primary. When i alighted the bus, memories were brought back to me immediately as i have been walking through and forth the route for almost 10 years. It was the route that link my house to both schools. Then, I started dwelling on the events that happened during this school days.

One of it was that everyday after school (Primary 5/6), which was 6pm, i would hang out with Wan Ting, Tai Ying and Kok Yong to chat around or just have some drinks. We would talk about almost anything. At that time, we would all buy "Tian Yu Di Lu Cha" from the mama shop for only 50cents. All of us will stay around till almost 8pm until we start to go home.

Tian Yu Di Lu Cha, my favorite drink forever.

Then, it was so tranquil, everyday was so enjoying and we had so much fun together. But when i reminisce on it, i felt only sadness.

I knew that it has already ended and there will not be another day that will be the same as before. Everything is lost and were already history. It is such an irony that whenever people thinks about happy memories, it only makes them sad.

Part of the route between my primary, secondary school and my house. A total of around 15min of walk.

Although the place has changed a lot since Primary School days, it still brings back memories. They were just unforgettable.

The song now on the top of my imeem playlist is called "蒲公英的约定". I find this song very meaningful. It is about the past, as of this post. Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pikachu totally gone wrong

Today as usual, went to school to have some lessons. And as of usual, me and my friends were reading manga from a website. Then a friend of mine, Derek Lim Bo Bo, found a link that showed this Pikachu picture out of the blue.

People trying to enter Pikachu! Oh my Tian!

When we were laughing so hard at the picture, Zhong Ming (serious guy) came out of curiosity as he thought it was just a simple Pikachu. Then after he saw it, he went like "oh ok... (let out a bit of laughter)". For some of you, it might be a normal Pikachu picture, but it is really very wrong. I will not tell you what is wrong for the sake of all the "non-polluted" people out there. Try figuring it out yourself :X

Hint: It appears as a male in cartoon but this picture shows otherwise. Now i am unsure of his/her gender.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tian Tian De~

The SIDM club has finally successfully set up the movie event! It is held on every Wednesday, 4pm and this week was the first time ever. The movie shown was called "The Freedom Writers". It was a very sad and happy show and i think we all enjoyed it. Since it was the first time the movie event was set up, we thought that there would be no one coming to watch the show. But to our surprise, there were TWO people! Great success!

Next, we went to Kovan Melody for Eugene's birthday and house warming. Eugene is actually sort of my dance instructor. So a huge bunch of us went into his house. Then i could feel something, not only me, but a lot of us can feel it. The very unique feeling of house warming. The house was literally warming with our presence. Now i knew why it is called house warming and why many people should attend the fun. Nevertheless, the house was beautiful and the sight from the balcony was astonishing.

Eugene is the wet one below. He got a house cooling when we threw him into the pool.

So this was the end of Wednesday's sweetness. More to come on the next chapter, stay tune after The Break. Please click on The Break for a break. Thank You.

The Break

Thanks for staying tune after The Break. Talking about today's title of post, Tian Tian De~, what is so sweet? It is the first song in my imeem playlist! And of course some ice-creams from Swensens!

Sticky Chocolate Ice-cream. Delicious and sweeeeeeeeet.

Chocolate Fondue. The cream puff were nice. Again sweeeeeeeeet!

This one was only for Cynthia who got this ice-cream for free because it was her birthday.

I thought Swensens should not have sticked the candle right into the banana. Bananas does not go well with ice-creams, at least for our "OGL" group. Anyway, Happy Birthday Cynthia! (yet again hahaha)

After so much sweet stuffs, it was already a sweet day. And to my surprise, i saw Joanne Peh in real life! My only favorite female artist in Mediacorp. After that, we went for a walk and went home at around 11pm.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

People gets older

Yesterday went to a movie night in Cathay and we watched the movie "Stardust" which was quite a good film. It is a fantasy-comedy kind of movie which has witches and princes, the typical fairy tale. Anyway the main reason why we went to the movie night was because of the Birthday Trio who were Kenny, Guo Dong and Cynthia.

Initially Vincent brought a baseball bat along so that he can have a literally Hard Core Birthday Bash with the Birthday Trio. But as the day goes on, the bat suddenly went missing mysteriously and was never to be found again. This strange happening caused a huge uproar within our group. We did not understand why and how did the immobile baseball bat could have moved away and disappear from us. At this point of time, we did not even know whether the bat could be still alive or not. As the case goes on, it came to a realization of what might have happened. 4 people were suspected of the murder/kidnap of the bat. They were the 3 of the Birthday Trio and Vincent, the owner of the baseball bat himself. It could be that either of the Birthday Trio did not want a bad Birthday Bashing so he/she killed the bat. Another scenario is that Vincent actually killed the bat himself because of some kind of revenge or bad blood he has with the baseball bat. As the Birthday Trio had an abili, so could it be that the real murderer was really Vincent? Who is the actual murderer? Why did he/she wanted to kill the bat? How did he/she did it? To be continued...

Ok sorry got carried away, i know it is very random. The above paragraph are craps although Vincent really brought a baseball bat to school. Continuing the real facts about that day, we gave the trio their presents. One of the present was a boxers which was given to Guo Dong. It has a lot of heart shapes on it and is said to be very "sexy".

This picture is taken before he recieve the present.

This is after he sees that his present is a "sexy" boxer.
For your information, Guo Dong is famous for his facial expression
as he never changes it whatever happens.

After the present giving ceremony, we decided to go to a pub. Very unfortunately, every pub we went were close. And more Unfortunately, we went to around 5 pubs or so, all are quite far from each other. We spent around 3 hours finding one and 'in the end it doesn't even matter' (in Linkin Park tune). Finally we settled our foot in a lanshop and played a couple rounds of Counter Strike. That night was tiring as we stayed up almost the whole time but 'we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun' (in Westlife tune). Thats all for today, need some rest now!

People who got old recently:
-Guo Dong
I realize maybe i could call Kenny uncle now. (as if i dont get older each year =/)