Monday, December 17, 2007

Protect all you want!

Went to catch Golden Compass last Saturday with my family. It was quite a good show, especially the part where the Armored Bear fights. The sad part of the movie was that there wasn't any proper ending or climax. And the storyline goes like those in games. There was this part of the movie which the little girl protagonist was trying to persuade an Armor Bear to be her "guard". This part seems to be totally abstracted from game quests. A typical "find and return" quest that can be found in most games. Such as this...
Well, i photoshop-ed this, but there really is some quest of this sort.

After the movie, we went to get some drinks in Starbucks. Ordered tons of cakes and drinks which made us really full.

Starbucks Hot Chocolate venti size. Freaking huge mug. Nice!

On Sunday, i went to my weekly "CCA" which means going to my friend's house to jam! Well we played from 3pm till 7:30pm. After that, we went to eat dinner and watch some soccer match, Manchester United vs Liverpool, in a nearby bar. Then i found out that my friend got his tooth knocked off last week. He protected his teeth everyday, treating them with care for 18 years. But what happened was that some stupid furnishing knocked one of his adult teeth off. The effort of 18 years gone to waste just like that?! Well it just doesn't make any sense...

It seems like the more you try to protect something, the higher chance it will be lost.

Movie Review: 7/10

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Hi again people! After a break from blogging, i have finally found something to post about (because i was having no life :X). Recently i have been playing an online game, by the name of "Sealonline", with my friends, Vincent, Bobo and Jake etc. Then all of a sudden, Vincent and Bobo wanted to change game. A game called "Asda Story" has captured their attention.

This "Asda Story" is a game which players will become more "powerful" with his/her girlfriend/boyfriend/gayfriend/lesfriend around. So i guess it was obvious why Bobo wanted to change game. He needs a gay. (jk hope he does'nt see this) But anyway, this post is not about Bobo, its about "Asda Story". Just went to its website to take a look and saw a lot of people posting their photos in the site to look for a soulmate. So out of human nature, i went to take a look too...

This is what i found...
A cute Malaysian girl! Below are her comments.

I'm BiBi | IGN SugarBi(Support Mage) / HoneyBi | Malaysia(GMT+8) I'm 16 years old | Language: English, Chinese, Malay. I dunno Japanese but I'm learning, hope if anyone can teach... MY Hobbies: online gaming, photography, graphic editing, listen music & watch movie Here is my playing schedule: Weekday : 7pm-11pm | Weekend : Depend Hope to get Soulmate & a lot of Friends to play.^^. Hope if anyone see me around please party me.^^ Hope to get a soulmate capable to play with me on my schedule^^. I might play at mid night as well, if cannot get into sleep^^.
Please leave your IGN here, I'll check this blog by time to time.Thank you.

Tis gurl ish so cute, so many peeps wan to be soulmate wit her (even my typing turned cute itself). Normal. Well, the post does not seem very fake as well. Next!

hello im vivi would anyone please b kind enough and b my soulmate?? thanks for reading this :)

One look and you know this is fake =_=


Do not ask me why i find it fake, i just knew it.
Anyway look at her, she does not seem like a gamer at all. The person behind the screen is probably a 30 year old GUY who loves to be soulmate with fellow males. Disgusting truth but true. After years of experience, i found the virtue world is nothing but a big world of fabrications. A lot of things in it are fake, not to mention the world itself. Anyway, there is this one post in the "Asda Story" that i found really shocking!


Hi guys, tis is Vincent here from s'pore ;) 18 years of age. Looking for some international ingame friends and of cuz also a great soul partner. Preferably same time zone :D. Cheers~

For goodness sake! He is the last person that i thought will put his photo in that site! I mean, not even Bobo posted his photo in it. He is even finding a "great" soul mate, my god! I could not believe my eyes, i think i need sleep.

Lastly i will show you all what i mean by the truth.

Image Hosted by

This is the truth!

You see him as a hamster at first. But after awhile, you realize he is actually Leonidas from 300. This is the truth. You only realize the truth after looking at the fabrications.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Walking on Water

Recently i went to play soccer again after a break of about 4 months. It was refreshing and i thought it is pretty healthy to play some sports. After 2 rounds of exhausting matches, we went for a little chat session. As normal Singaporeans, we would chat about random stuffs which will link to some other topics randomly. This post will focus on a topic one of my friends has told in an act of randomness.

To start it off, i will talk about some amazing things as introduction.

Read this information from Wikipedia:

Walking on water is one of the miracles that the Gospels attribute to Jesus. An account of the miracle appears in the Gospels of John (John 6:16-21), of Matthew and of Mark. According to the Biblical narrative, Jesus sent the disciples in a boat, ahead of him, to Bethsaida, but when they were half way across the lake, Jesus walked over the lake and met them. The narrative states that the disciples were scared at first, thinking it was a ghost, but when Jesus revealed himself and got into the boat, they calmed down.

To think Jesus Christ can even walk on water! This feat is 100% impossible to do! How cool is it to be able to walk on water? You will not even get wet, not a bit. Imagine how many lives can be saved if you can walk on water. Like the recent Dragon boat - Whirlpool case, really sad.

But when you thought walking on water is impossible to all living creatures in the world...


The topic that one of my friends brought up is about lizards. And not normal lizards, its the Jesus Christ Lizard. I am freaking serious because it really exist. (at first i did not believe him too)

The Jesus Christ Lizard. He is so dam cool.

Why is he called the Jesus Christ Lizard then? Well, he seriously can WALK ON WATER.

Heres the proof from Wikipedia again:

The basilisk sometimes walks as a biped. Basilisks have the unique ability to "walk" on water and, because of this, have coined the title as "The Jesus Lizard" or "The Jesus Christ Lizard" with religious connotations to the biblical passage of Mattrew 14:22-34. On water, the basilisk can run at a velocity of 1.5 meters (5 feet) a second for approximately 4.5 meters (15 feet) before sinking on all fours and swimming. Flaps between their toes help support the basilisk, creating a larger surface and a pocket of air.

I am totally amazed by this lizard. He can actually walk the water with 2 of his legs! But after watching the video, i think i might have to reconsider if i would want to walk on water like it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Guide to having a Life?

Wow! This is the shoe i wanted! That shirt over there looks so cool! Oh wait, i want that pair of jeans too! The new Sony Ericsson handphone looks so sleek, time for me to switch my phone! Hmmm need to buy an electric guitar to practice as well!


No money to buy everything. This probably happens a lot.

Although there are so many things to buy, there isnt enough money for me. I initially wanted to get a job, but am scared that there will be too much stress during project weeks (actually i think i am just lazy). So in order to buy this things for a life, i need to save up!

My Guide to having a Life

Firstly, if you are living off by the allowances your parents give, you know you have to save them up. Well, everyday you go to school you spend money on foods and drinks. As for me, i really spend a lot on satisfying my stomach and my taste bud's craving. So the best solution is to eat a really heavy breakfast. Foods like cereal breakfast is really good. They are made from wheat and oats. Together with milk, its really like what the advertisements say, wholesome and full. Then, since you had such a big breakfast, you only have to eat a little bit during tea break.

Secondly, you must have great mental control. The smell of all the delicacies will probably make you buy them. So to counter this, try not to pass through canteens or restaurants. Then you will not think about food and have an illusion that you are hungry.

Lastly, also the most effective saving method, is to become a "no-life-r". This method is by far the best, most easily controlled way and moreover you get to eat anything you like. Everyday after school, just dash back home immediately. Once you are back home, get on your computer and start playing a game that will make you really addicted to.

Note: Try not to play Maplestory, most likely you will get tempted to buy its Maple pre-paid card which will make you lose more money then ever.

So by doing so, you will save a lot of money. Both on food and on entertainment. Each week, you will have enough money to go for a movie and still have enough to buy some clothes at the end of the month.

Theres this equation plotting life against money:
No Life = money * 0
Having a life = money * infinity

The secret to saving up money to get a life later is to be totally no life first.

This method has been known to work between some friends although you might not like it or try it. Well, i only tried the last method. It was ridiculously effective.

Anyway, "A" Levels is finally OVER! Congratulations! I am so happy. Not that i am an "A" Level taker, but because my friends were taking it and i did not have the chance to hang out with them during that period. Totally over-joyed, i think you, "A" Levels students should give some sweet feedback to your great teachers! Heres a link for some innovative feedback you could write.

Creative and Innovative Feedbacks from the students of NTU

Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Memories Sad Emotions

Today i went to play pool with Ivan, Kenny, Joe, Ming Fang, Ian and Jake. When it ended, i took a "74" bus back home. The bus "74" stops between both my Secondary School and my Primary School which were Bowen Secondary and Xinmin Primary. When i alighted the bus, memories were brought back to me immediately as i have been walking through and forth the route for almost 10 years. It was the route that link my house to both schools. Then, I started dwelling on the events that happened during this school days.

One of it was that everyday after school (Primary 5/6), which was 6pm, i would hang out with Wan Ting, Tai Ying and Kok Yong to chat around or just have some drinks. We would talk about almost anything. At that time, we would all buy "Tian Yu Di Lu Cha" from the mama shop for only 50cents. All of us will stay around till almost 8pm until we start to go home.

Tian Yu Di Lu Cha, my favorite drink forever.

Then, it was so tranquil, everyday was so enjoying and we had so much fun together. But when i reminisce on it, i felt only sadness.

I knew that it has already ended and there will not be another day that will be the same as before. Everything is lost and were already history. It is such an irony that whenever people thinks about happy memories, it only makes them sad.

Part of the route between my primary, secondary school and my house. A total of around 15min of walk.

Although the place has changed a lot since Primary School days, it still brings back memories. They were just unforgettable.

The song now on the top of my imeem playlist is called "蒲公英的约定". I find this song very meaningful. It is about the past, as of this post. Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pikachu totally gone wrong

Today as usual, went to school to have some lessons. And as of usual, me and my friends were reading manga from a website. Then a friend of mine, Derek Lim Bo Bo, found a link that showed this Pikachu picture out of the blue.

People trying to enter Pikachu! Oh my Tian!

When we were laughing so hard at the picture, Zhong Ming (serious guy) came out of curiosity as he thought it was just a simple Pikachu. Then after he saw it, he went like "oh ok... (let out a bit of laughter)". For some of you, it might be a normal Pikachu picture, but it is really very wrong. I will not tell you what is wrong for the sake of all the "non-polluted" people out there. Try figuring it out yourself :X

Hint: It appears as a male in cartoon but this picture shows otherwise. Now i am unsure of his/her gender.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tian Tian De~

The SIDM club has finally successfully set up the movie event! It is held on every Wednesday, 4pm and this week was the first time ever. The movie shown was called "The Freedom Writers". It was a very sad and happy show and i think we all enjoyed it. Since it was the first time the movie event was set up, we thought that there would be no one coming to watch the show. But to our surprise, there were TWO people! Great success!

Next, we went to Kovan Melody for Eugene's birthday and house warming. Eugene is actually sort of my dance instructor. So a huge bunch of us went into his house. Then i could feel something, not only me, but a lot of us can feel it. The very unique feeling of house warming. The house was literally warming with our presence. Now i knew why it is called house warming and why many people should attend the fun. Nevertheless, the house was beautiful and the sight from the balcony was astonishing.

Eugene is the wet one below. He got a house cooling when we threw him into the pool.

So this was the end of Wednesday's sweetness. More to come on the next chapter, stay tune after The Break. Please click on The Break for a break. Thank You.

The Break

Thanks for staying tune after The Break. Talking about today's title of post, Tian Tian De~, what is so sweet? It is the first song in my imeem playlist! And of course some ice-creams from Swensens!

Sticky Chocolate Ice-cream. Delicious and sweeeeeeeeet.

Chocolate Fondue. The cream puff were nice. Again sweeeeeeeeet!

This one was only for Cynthia who got this ice-cream for free because it was her birthday.

I thought Swensens should not have sticked the candle right into the banana. Bananas does not go well with ice-creams, at least for our "OGL" group. Anyway, Happy Birthday Cynthia! (yet again hahaha)

After so much sweet stuffs, it was already a sweet day. And to my surprise, i saw Joanne Peh in real life! My only favorite female artist in Mediacorp. After that, we went for a walk and went home at around 11pm.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

People gets older

Yesterday went to a movie night in Cathay and we watched the movie "Stardust" which was quite a good film. It is a fantasy-comedy kind of movie which has witches and princes, the typical fairy tale. Anyway the main reason why we went to the movie night was because of the Birthday Trio who were Kenny, Guo Dong and Cynthia.

Initially Vincent brought a baseball bat along so that he can have a literally Hard Core Birthday Bash with the Birthday Trio. But as the day goes on, the bat suddenly went missing mysteriously and was never to be found again. This strange happening caused a huge uproar within our group. We did not understand why and how did the immobile baseball bat could have moved away and disappear from us. At this point of time, we did not even know whether the bat could be still alive or not. As the case goes on, it came to a realization of what might have happened. 4 people were suspected of the murder/kidnap of the bat. They were the 3 of the Birthday Trio and Vincent, the owner of the baseball bat himself. It could be that either of the Birthday Trio did not want a bad Birthday Bashing so he/she killed the bat. Another scenario is that Vincent actually killed the bat himself because of some kind of revenge or bad blood he has with the baseball bat. As the Birthday Trio had an abili, so could it be that the real murderer was really Vincent? Who is the actual murderer? Why did he/she wanted to kill the bat? How did he/she did it? To be continued...

Ok sorry got carried away, i know it is very random. The above paragraph are craps although Vincent really brought a baseball bat to school. Continuing the real facts about that day, we gave the trio their presents. One of the present was a boxers which was given to Guo Dong. It has a lot of heart shapes on it and is said to be very "sexy".

This picture is taken before he recieve the present.

This is after he sees that his present is a "sexy" boxer.
For your information, Guo Dong is famous for his facial expression
as he never changes it whatever happens.

After the present giving ceremony, we decided to go to a pub. Very unfortunately, every pub we went were close. And more Unfortunately, we went to around 5 pubs or so, all are quite far from each other. We spent around 3 hours finding one and 'in the end it doesn't even matter' (in Linkin Park tune). Finally we settled our foot in a lanshop and played a couple rounds of Counter Strike. That night was tiring as we stayed up almost the whole time but 'we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun' (in Westlife tune). Thats all for today, need some rest now!

People who got old recently:
-Guo Dong
I realize maybe i could call Kenny uncle now. (as if i dont get older each year =/)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A long trip to eat Food Court

Sorry people. Have not been posting much because i was quite busy.

This week's Friday after school, me and fellow OGLs decided to eat some dinner together. We were initially in school (NYP) and we wanted to eat in Douby Ghaut. So we went there by train and when we reached there, we decided to eat Food Court! It seems so funny because we traveled a long distance just to eat some Food Court food. But never the less, we had lots of fun.

Took a picture of my friends sitting on OSIM's massage chair after the dinner.
Very thick skin hahaha.

Then we went to eat desserts at the famous Seleket's Bean curb.

Well that is about it. Anyway heres the answer for last week's quiz!
This is the answer! Most people already got the answer i guess. hahaha.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

School Starts Life Ends?

The first week of school has started! How has everyone been in this very first week? I find it to be quite slack although we must already decide our studio project team. Anyway, did nothing much in this whole week, pretty sad. Yet again, i went to Kster to sing with my Secondary School friends. One of my friends brought a girl friend with him. She sing as if the voice comes from the CD! Very nice. Moreover, she did not sing with a microphone, yet we can hear her clearly, very talented.

Now, this week's question is do life end when the school starts?
Personally i feel it is. I spend most of my time in school or playing "Jump Ultimate Star" with my friends.

Finally, i have got 1 quiz for you~
There is currently 2 triangles formed here using 6 sticks. How do you make 4 triangles only by moving 1 of the 6 sticks?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Chocolate Cake

Recently there have been many events. A BBQ session near Trudy's house and an annual Kovan MacOuting for my secondary school outing were the main ones. Ate very delicious food at the BBQ and in Trudy's house and watched a very funny movie, "Knocked Out", during our Kovan MacOuting. No pictures though, forgot to take some.

Anyway, going back to the main topic, the cake. It was the same brand of cake as my previous post, but this time, it is a Chocolate Cake.

A thick layer of chocolate on top.

My family ate it before i even had the chance to take photo of the whole cake. Greedy.

This cake is from Rive, a bakery shop in Takashimaya. The top layer is filled with chocolate. This cake has a layer of waffle in it so you can feel the crunch in it. Not only the top layer has a lot of chocolate, the middle layer has chocolate as well. For me, i think it is not such a great cake. It gets boring after several bites although the first bite was great. I will recommend this cake for chocolate lovers only.

Food Review: 3.5/5

After the cake, i went jogging at night yet again in my Bowen Secondary School PE T-Shirt. This time i seem like i was on steroids. I ran from my house to Kovan Heartland Mall, and then i stopped there to rest awhile. The irony is that i bought an ice-cream cone from Macdonald and it is like wasting my time jogging. Anyway, there were many students studying in Macdonald, probably "A" Levels or "O" Levels. And i was like wearing secondary school shirt and jogging around, people will probably think "This guy is insane to jog instead of mug. Probably too stress." Haha. So after i finished the ice-cream cone, i went on jogging back home.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Life

It was a very short 3 days. I did lots of things in this 3 days of time, was so enjoying. In the first day, i went to eat steamboat at Marina South with my OGL friends. We had lots of fun and meat.

Very artistic steamboat picture taken by Berlinda/Cynthia. Had Wolf Berries in the soup.

When we were eating, we suddenly started chatting about gays and Cynthia said Guo Dong was gay. So Guo Dong replied seriously and innocently, "Dont say me gay lah, i give you a meat" (in chinese). The reply and response was so weird that we laughed our stomach to fulfillment. After we were full, we went to the arcade and played some games then all of us decided to stay over at Clarence's house for some majong sessions. That will be a part of day 2.

So at the start of day 2 which was 12am, we played majong, bridge (card game) and munchkin (card game). As it was very tiring to stay over-night, we started sprouting nonsense. The topic started off with MacDonalds. At the end, we had MacTutu Kueh, MacMeeSiam, MacFishball and MacLaksa dont want MacHum. Then we ordered Macdonalds home delivery for breakfast. Of course, after that we went home and sleep. More events are ahead of me.

Still in day 2 at around 3pm, i went to school to play basketball! After some exciting game of basketball, i went to learn dancing with my friends. It was my first time dancing and i really danced like a retard :) Although i can play basketball but i seem nowhere near to dancing. Although so, i will still continue learning, for the fun of it and for making new friends.

Chinatown. Taken because i thought it looked good.

In day 3, i went singing with Jake and Clarence in Chinatown again. I found out that it was only $6 on weekdays! Dirt cheap! After singing we went to eat dinner at "Mei Shi Jie" (meaning "Nice Food Street). Jake was so kind to treat us a delicious seafood meal after much pressuring from me and Clarence. The seafood store is at a roadside area where cars are prohibited to go in. Here are some pictures taken.

4 dishes for us. All are spicy especially the Tom Yam Soup.

Me totally "sweated" after the spicy meal but WORTH!

To me i think the meal was at an acceptable level. I will give it a 7/10 grade. It was worth if you are already in Chinatown but not worth if you just want to eat there when you are far away, meaning not worth the traveling time and fee. The vegetable was very delicious though. As for the seafood, they are on average, but you do not need to queue long for it. The other 2 judges, Jake and Clarence were very uncooperative. They did not want to let me take their photo as they were very shy. As a result i will only be able to disclose some comments made by them.

For Jake, he said it was not worth it. It was probably because he had to pay for extra 2 person's cost to eat it. Although not worth it, he said the fried rice was nice.

As for Clarence, I forgot to ask him. He probably found it average though. So the result of today's food review was...

Food Review: 1.5/3

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Hungry already? Very beautiful cake right? Haahaha. Dont get mistaken, its not my birthday. Its not for birthday purposes. The cake is just for us to full-fill our taste buds. This mango cake has 3 layers. 2 of it are very mild tasting. The other 1 is filled with mango cream/pudding like thingy! Really very very delicious. Bought this cake at Takashimaya, Rive (if my sister did not remember wrongly). Eat it when chilled! Good night

Food Review: 4.5/5

Friday, October 5, 2007

Balls Of Fury

Balls Of Fury

Watched Balls Of Fury the other day. The movie revolves around a great ping pong player called Daytona. Daytona had a bad childhood expierence when taking part in a ping pong competition finals and the event in-directly killed his father. After 20 years, he was approached by a FBI to help solve a case with his superior ping pong skills. And so, many things happened while solving the case, including him meeting with his father's murderer.

I think it is quite a funny movie but not enough. To me, i think it is not worth watching in the cinemas although i quite enjoy the movie.

Movie Review: 5/10

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Facts of Life

Yesterday i could not blog because of some reasons which will be disclose near the end of the post. So i made it up today by blogging the things which happened yesterday. In actual fact, i had already been sick for 3 days till yesterday i "recovered".

I went to a friend's house, Isaac's again. The 4 of us gathered at Isaac's house to play Nintendo DS's Jump Ultimate Star. So we played and played for around 5 hours and we all left his house as he had an appointment on 6pm. Me and Haoyi were so bored that things had to end so early so we decided to find Jake. Therefore we went to Bugis and eat dinner together with Jake. Upon reaching, our first destination was Mos Burger.

Mos Burger Bugis.

So we ordered a set meal and 1 rice burger. It took almost 1hr 30 min to reach us. Mos Burger was definitely a "fast-food" restaurant. When i approach the counter to ask for my order, the uncle immediately replied, "Now got alot of people, must wait very long. If you want to complain, go to my manager there". I was like what the hell. It was like 1hr 30min ago that i ordered my stuffs. People who came later than us have already got their meals eaten and in the rubbish bin. Moreover i speak politely and not wanting to complain at the very least. The attitude of the staffs there really is like ****. Cannot make it. Luckily there was an old lady staff to re-take our order for us or i guess we might have to take the Mos Burger number plate "31" back home as souvenir (as you know Mos Burger they give you a number plate and ask you to wait at your seat. Then they will bring the food to you).

After dinner (which lasted for only 5mins because we were famished), we went shopping and looked around aimlessly until i suggested going to Douby Gaut to have some bean curd desserts. That was the wrongest choice of the day! I ordered You Tiao, bean curd and soya bean milk. After eating awhile i started to feel like vomiting. Maybe the You Tiao is too You (oily) and because i had food poisoning 3 days ago, i think the food poisoning bacteria returned. Of course i stopped eating and tried not to vomit. I lasted from Douby Gaut back to Kovan. It was terrible, but in the end i did not vomit. My apologist to Jake and Haoyi for the bad ending of the day =(

So i was wondering about pregnant ladies. They vomit like 2-3 times a day for 1 month. Its like a torture. Seriously. Lastly, I hope to myself that i will get well by today, bye~

Friday, September 28, 2007


Just returned from OGL(orientation group leader) cum TD(our partner course) chalet. Have not slept for around 48 hours now but still writing this blog post. hehehe. The chalet started at 26 September but i went at the second day which was 27 September. Its a 3 day 2 night chalet and we had lots of fun joking and chatting.

One of the things we played was Indian Poker (a card game). We made whoever lose do a forfeit by choosing Truth or Dare. Most people choose Dare though, such as myself. I lost once and was made to do a sexy model pose like that of a "Americans' Next Top Model" participant's pose (very unlucky that it was Thursday that day). The photo is not with me at the moment, but if i were to grab hold of it, i will burn it. Just kidding, i will probably post it in this post and let you people laugh at me. So the below are some videos of the people who did Dare.

This guy here was forced to sing aloud the ancient song "Wo Di Re Qing" outside the chalet.

Joe piss take literally. He must imagine himself as a dog and piss on the pole. Watch him imitate dog barks like "Oh Oh Oh".
Warning! Do not try this dog pissing stunt because it almost made Joe muscle cramp.

We were not able to do some extreme ones because it was very late at night. After this we played with Love~ One of my friends knows how to use cards to predict love. So many people tried and it was funny to see the results. Sometimes the ace of hearts will point to King or Jack when a guy is playing. That symbolizes that the guy playing actually loves another guy, Gay.

Soon, we got bored and moved on to the "Red House". Once we reached there, we decided to return immediately. It was because we felt something. Something really scary and it was boredom. Seriously there is nothing to see there. We did not enter the house because we respect the things living there (what a good way to put it). So that was almost all we did in the chalet, others were just talking cock and jokes. Well, got to go now, good night!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Where The Queue Starts

This section is a small post after i have finished the posting below. After i posted, i went for a jog around my area. Thinking that its Mooncake Festival today, probably there will be a lot of people having fun outside. So instead of jogging around my block, i decided to jog and walk the whole of Hougang! Actually i was hoping to find some beautiful candles along my path but things did not go as i expected. I ran around but saw no one. It was so silent. Its Mooncake Festival today but hardly anyone is staying out late outside their neighborhood. Things are really changing. Remember last time my friends will call me out to chill near their house and we will talk cock for hours. Maybe i went out too late...

Below is the main post of the day!
Posted September 26 2007 at 1:36am

Kster! wooohoooo! Its a karaoke at Chinatown. Only $10++ each person and you can sing from 2pm to 7pm. Super cheap, today went there to chill out and sing some song. Actually not some but alot because we only have 3 people and sang for 4 hours. Now my throat is feeling a little painful haha.

Ok so back to the topic of the title of today's post. Where The Queue Starts. Its actually a TV show on Channel 8. But we kinda made it into our own version. Since we went Chinatown today, after the Kster, we went to eat dinner. We walk and walk until we saw a big queue up front. Really long. Then we decided to eat there. The store sells porridge for your information.

This is the queue length. Can't really see but its really long.

This is the store, "Tiong Shian Porridge Centre". My friend bought some take-aways.

So after we finish eating, we started to give comments and therefore took some pictures. The following tells if it is worth the time for the queue.

This is the first judge, Jeffrey. He gave the porridge a thumbs up! Its worth it for him!

The second judge is Yong Yi. He says the porridge is not worth the wait. He also commented that it is too expensive and they give very little Cuttlefish as he ordered a Cuttlefish Porridge. Its quite true for his bowl actually.

Since its a tie between the judges, its up to me to say if it is worth. i say...

haha. I think its really worth it. Although its not very very delicious but you can eat it without getting bored of the same taste and the whole bowl is very sweet. So overall its WORTH IT! Two thumbs up for the Porridge.

Food review: 2/3 Worth it!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Long Day Yet Short

Today was a long but short day. Why?

Because today i started going out at around 11am and end at 1am midnight. Yet i had so much fun that it seems like a short day. In the morning, i went to have a hair cut as it was already quite thick. Then after that, i went to Ang Mo Kio Hub to do some shopping.

When i reach there, i realize an opening bash was held for the opening of AMK Hub. There was some performances, mostly about music and Mediacorp stars will also be present. Took a photo of the performance while drinking "Hot Chocolate" (it was too milky to be called chocolate).

This small girl is grade 6 in piano at this age! Must be talented.
Better than my friend Isaac who never played a tune to us even though he knows.

After i finish my "Hot Chocolate", i continued my journey to the shops. Finally i finished my journey at a Converse shop. Saw a pair of shoes that was very simple in design but looks nice to me and so i bought it. Joanne Peh wore the shoe in the show, Bao Bei Fu Nv Bing, but hers was blue, mine is dark green. Thereafter, i proceed to my secondary class outing. Went to Marina South to eat some steamboat and BBQ. The steamboat there (we ate at "Dragon Village" now has a special function. The steamboat will split fire out now just like its' shop name, Dragon! So when you eat it, you will suddenly get hit on the head. Beware. Actually i was quite disappointed with the number of people who came. There was only like 12 and my class had 30+. Cannot be blamed though, most people who did not come had to study for their 'A' Levels. Hope you people happy mugging :(

My friends. Caught by surprise after they took the first shot. hehe

After the feast, we decided to watch some soccer. So we travel to Chijmes. The first cafe we walked through was so deserted. Only a single soul sitting silently. Thus we did not watch there. Then we continue walking and reached the maid cafe "Cosafe Maid Cafe". The screen was showing Arsenal vs Derby and there was quite a number of people there. Therefore we set foot and ordered some drinks. One of my friends ordered an expresso hoping it to last through the whole match. After the drinks came, he was astonished. As of normal expresso, there was only a little amount. So he drank it not very contentedly but was heypy that Arsenal was trashing Derby 5-0.

For me, i drank Double Fudge Mocha. It was nice, maybe i might go back there to have another cup next time. When i was watching the match, 2 "couples" were sitting infront of the screen. They were both males. Not very sure if they are couples but somehow me and my friends saw them exchanging weird looks, like having those zapping eye contact. Kind of disgusted but we made it into a joke.

The Cosafe Maid Cafe. All service crew wear maid costume.

Talking about Maid Cafe, i think a friend of mine by the name of S**wn will probably like it alot. Maybe next time i can get my poly friends to go there and he will be more than glad to thank me. hahaha.

We went home after the soccer match ends. While going back home, we were talking and Jeffrey said "Today was heypy what. (Singlish)" And yes, heypy is not a typo mistake. It is a word created by Jeffrey accidentally, meaning happy. You see alot of people say farnie which means funny. So it will only be fair that happy has its on word and so its heypy for us. Cheers.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Katana

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post in this blog so its only for introduction. More things will be added in the blog such as a tag box to leave some comments :)

So today i went to a friend's house. He just went to japan recently and bought some crazy stuffs. One of it is a Katana which is a kind of sword used by a samurai. The funny thing is that it entertained me for more than 30min and it was kinda fun (considering it was just a sword, kinda made me and my friends seem like 5 year olds taking some power ranger swords and hitting around). So me and my friend took this katana and took some pictures.

Me acting like im talking on phone while taking a katana. Trying to act like im really pissed off.

This is the closer view of the sword. Its made of metal and wood. Quite heavy.

After the "Photo-taking session", the owner of the sword told us it is around $200 Singapore money o.O and had to get a "Fire-arm" license for it. So troublesome to own a sword but its a good safety measure though. That kinda makes Singapore a good place to live in, little danger and no disasters. Thats all for today, good night.